Hadith of the prediction in Sura al-Rum

The Hadith of the prediction in Sura ar-Rum is a hadith (a recorded oral tradition) concerning the sura called Ar-Rum in the Qur'an which can be read as a prediction (a miraculous one [1]), possibly in AD 615 that the Romans would triumph over the Persians and the Muslims over the Meccans.[2]

The early Muslim community perceived the Greeks of the Christian Byzantine Empire (or Eastern Romans, therefore ar-Rum) as nearer to their religion, whilst the Meccan non-Muslims felt more inclined to the Persian religion. According to Muslim tradition, the Meccans taunted the Muslims by pointing to the recent military defeats of the Byzantines by the Persian Sassanid Empire, that adhered to Zoroastrianism, and predicted that the Christian Byzantines were about to be defeated, and that the Muslims were next in line [3]


The Sura Ar-Rum

The Sura ar-Rum starts with the relevant verses:

A prediction was revealed in the Quran around the year 620 AD, about 7 years after the severe defeat of the Christian Byzantine armies (led by Heraclius) by the idolatrous Persians. The first verses of Surat-Ar-Rum predicted that the severely defeated Romans would soon be victorious over the idolatrous Persians. At the Battle of Antioch in 613–614 AD, the Persians took control over important Byzantine territories expanding into Syria, Jerusalem, Armenia and Egypt. The Byzantium was so very unlikely to get over this Persian expansion and was about to collapse totally. In 622, Heraclius gained a number of victories over the Persians and conquered Armenia. In 627, the two empires fought a decisive battle at Nineveh, some 50 km east of the Tigris river, near Baghdad.

The Arabic words (bida' senin) literally mean (few years) but numerically indicate the range of numbers from three to nine, that's to say, the Romans shall get victorious over the Persians within three to nine years of their previous defeat in 613–614 AD. And it was, the First remarkable victory of Heraclius over the Persians after his defeat was in the Battle of Issus in 622 AD.


Abu Bakr, a companion (Arabic: Sahaba) of Muhammad and later the first Caliph, defended the prophetic validity of this prediction and ended up making a bet with Ubay ibn Khalaf, a Meccan polytheist.

Muslim scholar Al-Baizawi writes: "This passage refers to the defeat of the Byzantines in Syria by the Persians under Khusran Parvis. (C.E. 615 – 6 years before the Hegira). However, the defeat of the Persians should take place soon 'in a small number of years'. In the light of this prediction, Abu-Bakr undertook a bet with Ubai-ibn-Khalaf that this prediction would be fulfilled within three years, but he was corrected by Mohammed who stated that the word (bida') meant "between three and nine years".

Note: The Arabic language has a word for single year, two years and a third grammatic form for three to nine years. It is the third form that is used in the Qur'anic verse.


Muslim view

It is seen as a miraculous prediction by Muslims.[1]

Al-Baidawi's commentary states that the prophecy was fulfilled exactly as the Qur’an predicted (page 534) and added "This is one of sign of prophethood because it is a prophecy"

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, a 20th century Sunni Islamic scholar writes:

Bidh'un in the text means a short period -a period of from three to nine years. The period between the loss of Jerusalem (614–15) by the Romans and their victory at the Battle of Issus (622) was seven years, and that to the penetration of Persia by Heraclius was nine years..[6]

Non-Muslim criticism

Present Scholar Karl Gottlieb Pfander (19th|non-Muslim) writes:

But Al-Baizawi shatters the whole argument of the Muslims by informing us of certain varied readings in these verses of Suratu'r Rum. He tells us that some read (Arabic text appears here) instead of the usual (Arabic text appears here) and (Arabic text appears here) instead of (Arabic text appears here). The rendering will then be: 'The Byzantines have conquered in the nearest part of the land, and they shall be defeated in a small number of years'. If this be the correct reading, the whole story about Abu Bakr's bet with Ubai must be a fable , since Ubai was dead long before the Muslims began to defeat the Byzantines '[but the hadith talks about byzantines and persians confilict, and the counters between Muslims and Byzantin Empire did not took place yet, so this could be biased quote, also note that the nearest meaning of word -al adna (arabic)is- the lowest as discussed above]' , and even long before the victories which Heraclius won over the Persians. This shows how unreliable such Traditions are. The explanation which Al Baizawi gives is, that the Byzantines became conquerors of 'the well-watered land of Syria' (Arabic text appears here) and that the passage predicted that the Muslims would soon overcome them. If this is the meaning, the Tradition which records the 'descent' of the verses about six years before the Hijrah must be wrong , and the passage must belong to A.H. 6 at earliest. It is clear that, as the vowel points were not used when the Qur-an was first written down in Cufic letters, no one can be certain which of the two readings is right. We have seen that there is so much uncertainty about (1) the date at which the verses were 'sent down', (2) the correct reading [Note: it was actually the recitation that was preserved and not the text, so really this argument is applying criticism to the wrong thing and then ignoring the right thing, the recitation of the Quran, not the written record], and (3) the meaning, that it is quite impossible to show that the passage contains a prophecy which was fulfilled. Hence, it cannot be considered to be a proof of Muhammad's prophetic office."[7]

Some non-Muslims argue that the hadith makes the prophesy false as it did not come to pass within 9 years.(.[8][9] Actually, basing on historcal facts it did come to pass within 9 years, the Persian defeat of Byzantines was between 614 see Siege of Jerusalem (614) and the Byzantines striking back victory over Persians in 622 see Battle of Issus (622) However the peace negotiations which are how we would normally term winning and the end of a conflict. Are dated in the table below as 629. Which is 10 years after the 619 last mention of a persian victory, in the table below. And so that is not within 3 to 9 years.

Timeline of relevant events

Year Roman-Persian events[10] Arabian events
AD 602 (BH 20) Byzantine Emperor Mauricius is murdered by Phocas. Sassanid King Khosrau II reopens war against the Roman (Byzantine) Empire.
AD 613 (BH 9) Persian armies take Damascus.
AD 614 (BH 8) Persian armies take Jerusalem. Migration to Abyssinia [11]
AD 615 (BH 7) Traditional Muslim date of the Sura ar-Rum.
AD 619 (BH 4) Persians capture Egypt. Muhammad's Year of Sorrow
AD 622 (AH 1) Emperor Heraclius takes the field and defeats Persians in the Battle of Issus. Muhammad's emigrates to Medina, beginning of Muslim calendar
AD 624 (AH 2) Battle of Badr, Muslims victory over Meccan army
AD 625 (AH 3) Battle of Uhud, Meccan victory over Muslim army
AD 627 (AH 5) Heraclius defeats the Persian army in the Battle of Nineveh and advances towards Ctesiphon. Battle of the Trench: Meccans unsuccessfully besiege Medina.
AD 628 (AH 6) Khosrau II flees from internal rebellion and is murdered in February, while the Romans retake Syria. Khosrau's successor Kavadh II proposes peace with the Romans. Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between Muslims and Meccans.[12]
AD 629 (AH 7) Peace negotiations are concluded in June, Persians yielding Syria and Egypt.[13] The first pilgrimage of Muslims to the Ka'ba.
AD 630 (AH 8) Heraclius visits Jerusalem as a pilgrim, marking the conclusive nature of the Roman victory. Status quo ante from prior to past Sassanid invasion.[13] Conquest of Mecca: Muslim force under Muhammad enters Mecca unopposed, decisive Muslim victory.
AD 636 (AH 14)
Arabs capture Byzantine Syria and Palaestina Prima


  1. ^ a b Syed Maududi's Commentary for Surah #30
  2. ^ http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/quran/030.qmt.html
  3. ^ http://www.quran4u.com/Tafsiraya/App%20VIII.htm
  4. ^ Oxford English/Arabic Dictionary, ISBN 978-0198643128
  5. ^ "Land Below Sea Level". http://geology.com/below-sea-level. Retrieved 6 April 2011. 
  6. ^ Abdullah Yusuf Ali used Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, A. J. Butler's Arab conquest of Egypt (Oxford, 1902) and others as references.
  7. ^ Mizan al-Haqq, revised and enlarged by W. St. Clair Tisdall (Light of Life P.O. Box 18, A-9503, Villach Austria), 279–280
  8. ^ Dr. William Campbell: Muhammad's Prophethood
  9. ^ Gerhard Nehls: Proofs of the prophethood of Mohammed
  10. ^ in parts based on http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/romans.html
  11. ^ Sahabah Migation to Abyssina
  12. ^ Tafsir ibn Kathir [1]
  13. ^ a b William Montgomery Watt, Muhammad at Medina

See also